The bulky braces your parents wore are old news. These days it’s all about the newest trends of low-maintenance braces known as Invisalign to straighten teeth. Invisalign is now the frontrunner for many adults wanting to straighten their teeth, sometimes even after wearing braces as a teenager. The clear product seems almost too perfect to straighten without being seen; however, not everyone is the perfect candidate for this straightening technology. Figuring out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign is the first step towards straighter teeth.
Who’s Not a Good Candidate?
There are a few things that can disqualify you from getting Invisalign. If you have active gum disease or cavities, you will need to get that treated prior to moving forward with Invisalign. If mouth surgery or extreme dental procedures must be done, Invisalign will often have a difficult time correcting the issues, such as large overbites that may need orthodontic procedures to shift the jaw. If you have dental implants, bridges or TMJ issues, these can make Invisalign more difficult but aren’t absolute disqualifiers. Some people with tiny, eroded or misshapen teeth often will need further dental work to correct problems, but overall dentists can work with issues in the mouth alongside Invisalign treatments unless they are severe.
What is The Magic Age?
There is no magic age for Invisalign. It’s typically used in teenagers and adults, but children and even teenagers can still have trouble if their teeth aren’t finished growing in. Many teenagers love the technique because it’s clear and they don’t have to worry about feeling self-conscious over metal braces and adults love Invisalign because they can go to work while inconspicuously straightening their teeth.
Are You Dedicated?
Straightening your teeth doesn’t happen overnight. Yes, Invisalign is relatively easy. But, the treatment comes with an option that other orthodontics do not provide – you can remove them. You are required to remove your aligners when you eat and drink (except for water). But other than these instances, Invisalign must remain in your mouth for no less than 22 hours per day. It isn’t uncommon for patients to neglect their retainer after getting their braces removed only to one day look in the mirror to crooked teeth. Invisalign is the same way. If you are not dedicated to your treatment, it won’t work.
The Consultation
To get a better idea if Invisalign is right for you, try Invisalign’s free Smile Assessment Test. However, it’s important to remember that an online assessment can only tell you so much. Set up a consultation with us at Dentist in Mission Viejo to confirm you are a candidate. We will talk in length about the duration and dedication needed for this technique, and you too can soon be headed to a perfect smile.